News and Events

Boating and Bad Weather

Boating and Bad Weather

What to watch out for before bad weather strikes

Bad Weather can change quickly and when you’re on a boat this matters. Thunderstorms, strong winter cold fronts, and large waves should cause any experienced sailor to be on alert. You have to keep your head up and pay attention to your surroundings and make sure that any changes in the weather won’t turn deadly. In Florida, you need to pay extra attention because the weather can change so rapidly. The best way to avoid potentially deadly weather conditions is to follow the following helpful suggestions:

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Boating Events In July and August

Summer Boating Events in FloridaWith the summer coming to an end, you may be looking for some fun things to squeeze in before fall. Some of the Floridian boat-lovers out there may be wondering if there are any boat-related activities over the next couple of months. Luckily, there are several boating events happening all over the state of Florida through July and August! Here are just a few of the summer boating events that are sure to bring a good time.

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