News and Events

Winter Comes To The East Coast

Winter Comes To The East Coast

Winter has hit the East coast in a huge way. Depending on where you live you may have seen up to two feet of snow. Unfortunately, during these harsh winter months, it is almost impossible to enjoy your boat. In addition, if you have no space to store your boat, storage fees can add up quickly. Instead, sell your used boat to Sell Us Your Boat for some winter cash!

Winter Damage

There are many ways that cold weather can wreak havoc on your boat. Do you store your boat on jack stands? High storm winds can blow over the boat causing some major damage. Another aspect to consider is how old are your tarps. Older torn tarps can let water in and pooling water over time can cause damage to the boat.

What about stanchions? Using stanchions to help cover your boat, but they are not built to withstand the weight of ice and snow. Also, people have used space heaters to keep their boats warm in the cold. Of course, this is a terrible idea and can possibly cause fires. These are just a few examples of how cold weather can really harm your boat.


Storing your boat for the winter is always a good idea. Especially if it is a good safe and dry place that will keep your boat safe. Some boat owners leave their boats in the water all year, but those are usually warm climate areas, if you do it on the East coast make sure to monitor the weather. Now all this storage and time can really add up.

If you are tired of all the hassles of storing and transporting your boat then it may be time to sell. Luckily for you, the experts at Sell Us Your Boat is always looking to buy boats. No matter the time of the year, we are always interested in your boat. Fill out our quote form today for a great quote on your used boat!


We Buy Damaged Boats!

We Buy Damaged Boats!

In the aftermath of hurricane Ian, there are damaged boats all over Florida. Insurance and inspectors will take a long time to make it out to see your damage considering how busy they will be. Contact Sell Us Your Boat today to get the cash you need to help you rebuild after the storm.

Get a Quote Today!

Damaged Boats and Property

Hurricane Ian caused billions of dollars in damage. Cars, homes, and boats were all destroyed in the wake of this powerful storm.  Labeled as the “Big One” this storm was labeled a category 4 storm.  Winds reached up to 145 miles per hour and record rainfall hit Florida as well.  Also, the storm left almost 2.3 million people without power.

In Orlando, there were more than 250 water rescues due to inland flooding.  Even amusement parks were flooded with up to about 4 feet of water.

The Storm Does Not Discriminate

Million-dollar yachts and boats of all levels were destroyed throughout the state.  Boats were tossed onto dry land and even between buildings.  Also, the damage left behind will take years to recover from.  To help in the recovery, Sell US Your Boat will buy damaged boats.

We are offering cash for slightly damaged boats. When applying for a quote make sure to be as detailed as possible with good pictures so we can provide you with an accurate quote.  The more detailed you are the better.  To start the process fill out the quote form, then we will respond to your submission.  in addition, we will arrange to pick up the boat and issue you a check. Keep in mind due to the conditions of the roads it may take longer than usual.

Finally, we hope everyone is safe and sound.